How do I cancel my Hulu subscription? (Apr 2024)

Step-by-step instructions on how to cancel your Hulu subscripiton.

Set a Reminder

If you are on a trial, you don't need to cancel immediatly. You can set a HiFutureSelf reminder to cancel.

Open Hulu in a Browser

Navigate your browser to On the top right, click on the Log-in Button. If you’re on Mobile, click the 3 lines to show the Login button.

Login to Hulu

Open Account Settings

Once logged in, click on the Circle Icon on the top right. A popup menu will appear. Click on Account.

Hulu logged in Homepage

Find Cancel Button

On your Account screen, scroll waaaay down. Near the bottom you will see a Pause and Cancel option.

Hulu Account

Where is it?

Keep Scrolling! There it is! The little one! Great job.

Hulu Cancel Button

Cancel Subscription

You can choose to Pause your Subscription temporarily, or Cancel instead. Hulu will try to push you to Pause. Stay strong and hit Continue to Cancel.

Hulu logged in

Again, if you're on a trial, set a reminder!

If you are on a trial, you don't need to cancel right away. You can set a HiFutureSelf reminder to cancel.

HiFutureSelf App Icon

Rating: 4.7 (561 Reviews)

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